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Online Exhibition of Part II

The Department of Art and Design and the Library cordially invite you to join the online opening with details as follows:   An Exhibition of Watercolor Sketches by Professor Desmond Hui – in Celebration of the Establishment of the Department of Art and Design (Part II)   Date: 17 August 2020 (Monday)   Time: 5:00 pm, via Zoom (Meeting ID: 955 8015 3252,…


On July 16, 2020, a simple yet solemn ceremony was held at the Library of the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) – the opening of the Exhibition of Watercolour Sketches by Professor Desmond Hui in Celebration of the Establishment of the Department of Art and Design at HSUHK.  Although the government re-enacted the…

Student’s visit to Osage Gallery

Three visits to the exhibition ‘WYSIWYG’ in Osage were held respectively on 18th April, 1st and 8th June 2020. It is the first solo exhibition of Jeffrey Shaw in Hong Kong who is the recipient of the Ars Electronic Golden Nica for Pioneer of Media Art, Austria award (2015). He was the former Dean of…

Study Tour in Macau

A field trip to Macau was held on 18 January 2020. We are honoured to invite Prof Hsu (Director of the School of Arts, the Macao Polytechnic Institute) to organize our trip to Macau. During the trip, students enjoyed the sharing by a famed Macanese artist designer and visited to different creative hubs sites. Apart…