Field Trip to Tai Kwun
On 26 Oct 2021, CCI1001 Field Trip to Tai Kwun with an inspiring sharing by Dr Anita Chung, Head of Heritage of Tai Kwun and an exciting guided tour for our students. Previous Next…
On 26 Oct 2021, CCI1001 Field Trip to Tai Kwun with an inspiring sharing by Dr Anita Chung, Head of Heritage of Tai Kwun and an exciting guided tour for our students. Previous Next…
On 20 Oct 2021, we had a field Trip to Pixar Exhibition of the Science Museum and K11 Chi Gallery for our AD1003 and CCI3102 students!…
Congratulations on Dr Rochelle Yang on her video artwork “Flying Across Chaos” selected for the upcoming Microwave International New Media Arts Festival! Video artwork “Flying Across Chaos” by Dr Rochelle Yang: http://www.microwavefest.net/connectingthedots/exhibition/works/flying_across_chaos/ Official Website of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival: http://www.microwavefest.net/festival2021/MainExhibition.html…
Previous Next Congratulations to our CCI students Sira Chan and Gillian Tse who won 3 of the four prizes of the photography competition organized by HSUHK Student Ambassador and supported by Student Affairs Office -「一秒定格.恒大的瞬間」攝影比賽! 冠軍:《破繭重生 Reborn》(陳蒨懷, BA-CCI)亞軍:《最美的晚霞》(謝蕎霙, BA-CCI)人氣獎:《破繭重生 Reborn》(陳蒨懷, BA-CCI) Prize presentation ceremony was successfully held on 21 October 2021 at The Inspiring! …
22/10/2021 FRIDAY 5:00-7:00 PM “SPACE4ALL”, G/F LIBRARY, BLOCK A, S H HO ACADEMIC BUILDING, HSUHK Zoom Link: https://hsuhk.zoom.us/j/96134026666?pwd=V0lSazNENml3bVlncXFBaUE5aytKUT09 Meeting ID: 961 3402 6666 Passcode: lib1022 何嘉坤女士為香港藝術節行政總監,香港藝術節每年春季舉辦300多場表演和活動,關注本地、區域、國際藝術家和表演團體的古典及創新作品,而香港藝術節的「無限亮」系列則致力於創造共融空間,讓不同能力人士均可以一同欣賞、參與、擁抱藝術。何女士現為國際表演藝術協會(ISPA)董事局主席。她亦是韓國統營市的名譽公民,並且在意大利米蘭的史卡拉歌劇院學院國際學院任教。 她於2019年獲得澳大利亞昆士蘭格里菲斯大學(Griffith University)博士學位,並於2020年獲香港美國商會頒發「最具影響力女性」獎,2021年當選為中國文藝評論家協會會員並獲香港特區政府頒授榮譽勳章。 Tisa Ho is Executive Director of the Hong Kong Arts Festival (HKAF), a preeminent arts organization presenting over 300 performances and events each year in the Spring,…
24/9/2021 FRIDAY 17:00-19:00 H122, OLD HALL, HSUHK Professor Alan Yip, international renowned industrial designer. He worked for Frog Design USA and Philips Eindhoven, Holland. He founded Yip Design in 1990; designed over 1000 products and created ALANYIP brand to promote China original designs. He is the Chairman of HK Design Trade Association; visiting Professor of…
Date: Until 21 July, 2021 Location: 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East The Design Competition 1+1 is jointly organised by the LCSD and the ArchSD. For competition details, please visit the website at www.competition1plus1.hk Project from Department of Art and Design, HSUHK ‘Architectural Metamorphosis’ Team Members: HUI Cheuk Kuen Desmond, Laura CAVANNA,…
Location: Common Area, 2/F, Block A, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Previous Next Curator: Professor HUI Cheuk Kuen, Desmond Students: CHAN Nga Kei, CHAN Yan Shun Anselm, CHEUNG Yuen To, KWAN Wun Chui Mario, LEUNG Nga, SHI Hiu Tung Teacher: Mr. Chan Kei Him Technician: Samson Wong About the Mural A Post-pandemic Homage to Wu Guangzhong’s Faces…
AD1001 Studio I: Fundamental Concepts and Skills introduces art and design as an exploratory process of inquiry and experimentation, which involves acquisition of knowledge and skills to conceptualize, resolve and present well reasoned and developed ideas through sketching, drawing, and modelling with different media and means of communication and expression. (Course Outline) 1. Logo and…