Dr MOK Kin Wai, Patrick

MPhil (HKU)
Associate Programme Director, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural and Creative Industries
Assistant Professor
Department of Art and Design
Tel : (852) 3963 5562
Email : patrickmok@hsu.edu.hk
Dr. MOK Kin Wai Patrick received his PhD in History from the University of Hong Kong. He is interested in the research of cultural and creative economy, cultural policies and Hong Kong studies. His recent research includes: a study on Hong Kong’s manufacturing SMEs and their design strategies of business transformation and innovation; social and cultural impact study of arts accessibility services; and a study on dancers’ career planning, development and transition.
Creative entrepreneurship and labor; design strategies; cultural policies; oral histories
Selected Journal Articles
- Mok, K.W. (2017). “Reflections on the Hong Kong Memory Project.” Culture Academy: The Digital in Cultural Space, 7&8, December: 9-14.
- Ko, K.W. and Mok, K.W. (2014). “Clustering of Cultural Industries in China Cities: A Spatial Panel Approach.” Economics of Transition, 22 (2): 365-395.
- Mok, K.W. (2009). “Hong Kong’s Cultural and Creative Industries During the Last Eight Years: Reflections on Their Relevance to the Employment Market.” Journal of Youth Studies, 12 (2): 39-52.
Selected Books/Book Chapters
- Wong, W.L. and Mok, K.W. (2020). Cheng Yu Tung: A Lifetime of Diligence, Integrity and Dedication (鄭裕彤傳:勤、誠、義的人生實踐). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co. Ltd.
- Mok, K.W., Du R.J. and Wong, Jason. (2019, 2020). The Roadmap of Design Strategy for Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs (香港中小企製造業設計策略之路), volume 1&2. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co. Ltd.
- Mok, K.W. and Tsui, David eds. (2012). Cultural and Creative Space: the clustering and integration of arts and business (文化創意空間 : 藝術與商業的集聚與融合). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, CASS.
- Mok, K.W. (2011). “An analysis of the characteristics, patterns and the ole of cultural industry in economic and social development” (文化產業的特點、發展規律和在經濟社會發展中的作用分析). In Qi Shuyu ed., The Latest Development of China’s Cultural Industry: Outlook of the 12th Five-Year Plan, 27-45. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, CASS.
- MOK, K.W. (2009). “Asian Cities and Limits to Creative Capital Theory”. In Lily Kong and Justin O’Connor eds., Creative Economies, Creative Cities: Asian-European Perspectives, 135-152. Springer Publishing Company.
Selected Presentations
- Mok, K.W. (2019). “The Publicness of Personal Memory Records.” Presentation at Rethinking Archives: Reframing Boundaries, Imagining Possibilities, the SARBICA International Symposium (Singapore), 24-28 June.
- Mok, K.W. (2018). “Reviewing the Hong Kong Arts Annual Survey and the Arts Participation and Consumption Survey.” Presentation at Reaching out to potential audiences: what indication can be found in market research, Hong Kong Arts Development Council (Hong Kong), 15 June.
- Mok, K.W. (2016). “Reflections on the Hong Kong Memory Project.” Presentation at The Digital in Cultural Space, Singapore, 7&8, December.
- Mok K. W. (2012). “The Hong Kong Memory Experience.” Presentation at NODEM 2012 Hong Kong – Future Culture: Intangible Heritage, Design, Cross Media, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 3-5 December.
- CCI 1002 Culture and Creativity in Regional Context
- CCI 1004 Heritage, Arts, Design and Media Culture
- CCI 3001 Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
- CCI 3101 Asian Cities, Culture and Heritage
- CCI 3900 Internship