Location: Common Area, 2/F, Block A, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Curator: Professor HUI Cheuk Kuen, Desmond
Students: CHAN Nga Kei, CHAN Yan Shun Anselm, CHEUNG Yuen To, KWAN Wun Chui Mario, LEUNG Nga, SHI Hiu Tung
Teacher: Mr. Chan Kei Him
Technician: Samson Wong
About the Mural
A Post-pandemic Homage to Wu Guangzhong’s Faces Unchanged, 2021
This mural is inspired by Wu Guangzhong’s 吳冠中 painting Faces Unchanged 「朱顏未改」 created in 2001 and donated to the Hong Kong Museum of Art in 2010. Reportedly it was Wu’s own favourite work that he used to hang up in his home and was the last piece of his whole donation to Hong Kong. The title of this work was inspired by the famous poem Fair Lady Yu 虞美人 by Li Yu 李煜 (937-978) which expresses the author’s sorrow of losing his kingdom. The key line of the poem describes Li’s clinging to his memory of the palaces lost: “Carved balustrades and jade ornaments should still be there; Changed only are the pink faces fair…(雕欄玉砌應猶在,只是朱顏改。) [1]” By alerting to the faces unchanged, Wu, however, seemed to revert the feelings of Li to express the triumphant idea of art over human affairs. Hence the expression of the multifold bright colour dots – each representing perhaps a human face – and the idea of these being unchanged is perhaps the best expression of our collective view of the post-pandemic world.
[1] English translation by Frank C Yue: http://chinesepoetryinenglishverse.blogspot.com/2014/07/when-will-spring-flowrs-and-autumn-moon.html

Working Process