
BFA (Film, NYU)
MPS (Interactive Telecommunication, NYU)
PhD (Creative Media, CityUHK)
Associate Programme Director, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art and Design
Assistant Professor
Department of Art and Design
Tel: (852) 3963 5798
Email: rochelleyang@hsu.edu.hk
Dr. Rochelle Yang received her BFA in Film and Master’s in Interactive Telecommunications at the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, then PhD in Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong. As a practicing art educator, curator, and choreographer, Dr. Yang’s work spans photography, painting, new media art, experimental film, and performing arts. Her artworks have been exhibited internationally at major art exhibitions and film festivals.
Formerly she taught in the MA program in Visual Culture and the MA in Cultural Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as at BNU-HKBU, where she served as program director of the Media Art and Design Program. She also served as Chair of the Art Gallery at SIGGRAPH ASIA Conference in Hong Kong, Director of Art Map Media, examiner at HKADC, curator for the Asia Pacific Film Producer’s Forum in HK, the International Venice Art Exhibition in Italy, French May Art Exhibition “AU-DELÀ”and World Dance Teleconferences with CID UNESCO in Athens.
Her artworks and choreographies have received several international awards, including the International Photography Awards (IPA), London International Creative Awards (LICC), LensCulture Art Photography Award, Honorary Doctorate in Arts from CISAC in France, the Chinese Youth Award for Excellence in New York, the Golden Pin Design Award in Taiwan, the Championship from Asia Pacific Dance Award in Thailand, and the Chinese Arts Global Award in Beijing, etc.
Her current research projects include “Future Museums” (2024-2025) and “Film Education and AI Creativity” (2025-2027), both funded by the Research Grants Council in Hong Kong.
Visual culture
New media and creative arts
Curatorial strategy
AI film
Performance studies.
- 2025-2027. Principal-Investigator. Shaping the Future of Film Education: Exploring the Possibilities of AI in Enhancing Creativity and Learning Outcomes. Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grants Council (UGC/FDS14/H15/22). Award: HK$830,888
- 2024-2025. Principal-Investigator. Future museum: Review of immersive technology applications and curatorial strategy for exhibitions and art education in museum. Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grants Council (UGC/FDS14/H09/23) HK$454,725
- 2024-2025 Co-Investigator. Film Project: Black Loop. Project Grant, The Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC). $HKD 90,000
- 2022-2024 Co-Investigator. Art at home: The impact of new media and online cultural production on home-based arts engagement. Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grants Council (UGC/FDS14/ H09/21) HK$755,126
- 2024-2026 Co-Investigator. Performing Art Project: The Rite of Spring, Miranda Chin Dance Company. The Council of the China National Arts Fund. Award: $ RMB251,500
- 2022-2023 Co- “Existence -International Women’s Contemporary Art Exhibition” Matching Fund Scheme. Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Award $HKD 90,000
- 2021-2022 Principal-Investigator. Unveiling the Myth of NTFs Art: The Metaverse, the marketplace, and the future. University Research Start-up Fund. $HKD 10,000
Selected Publications
- Y.H.Yang (2019) Cute Literacy: The Evolution and Impact of Cute Culture on Digital Communications. 23rd ICIT International Conference on ISO & TQM, Zuhai, China
- She, Yang and Wen (2017) Digit Easy: Cyber-Physical System for Interactive Dance Performance. ACM Transaction on Computing and Cultural Heritage.
- Yi H. Yang (2017) Social Exchange on Social Media. 21st International Conference on ISO & TQM ( 21-ICIT) Beijing, China.
- She, Y H. Yang, and Wen (2016) A Wearable Cyber-Physical System for Interactive Dance Media Lab, ACM Multimedia System Conference.
- Yang (2015) Emoticons and Graphical Communication in Cyber Space. The 2015 Taipei International Conference on Animation and New Media Conference. Taiwan.
- She, Yang and Wen (2015) Digital Interactive System for Supporting Interactive Dance Creation: The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo.
- Y H. Yang (2015) Color Description and Cognition. The 3rd International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Sciences Proceedings (ICIS 2010). 138-141. Chengdu, China. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7385-4. (IEEE, EI Accepted) 2014
- Yi Hsuan Yang (2012) Reading Fatigue: Visual Perception Research. China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging (CACPP, 2012) Beijing. (Published) 2012.8
- Y.H.Yang (2011) Experimental Interactivity and Mobile Theatre, ACM SIGGRAPH Art Talk
- Rochelle Yang (2012) E-book Readability (in Chinese ) 中華印刷科技年報. JOURNAL OF CAGST 2012 P. 36-41
- Y.H. Yang (2010) Imagery Scanning and Printing Resolution. The 3rd International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Sciences Proceedings (ICIS 2010). 708-710. Chengdu, China. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7385-4. (IEEE)
- Rochelle Yang (2010) Kawaii Communication and Consumption Culture. International Conference of Graphic Communication Arts &Science. Taipei Taiwan
Selected Journal Articles
- R.Y.H.Yang (2022).Choreography as Visual Culture: Visual symbolism and moves: The Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture: The Study of Electronic Dance Music Culture (EDMC).
- R.Yang, D.Roosegaarde (2022). Lighting Design for Human Gathering During the Pandemic: A Case Study of Public Light Art “Urban Sun”. Journal of KREATE, Special Issue of Vision for the Unequal World International Conference 2022, A Regional Design & Education Journal on Culture, Future-Making & Social Design. The e-Journal of The Design School at Taylor’s University, Malaysia, E-ISSN 2785-8022.
- R.Y.H.Yang (2020). Emerging Kawaii e-Literacy: Visual Communication in Cyberspace. 23rd ICIT International Conference, Zuhai. Special Edition, the Journal of Service Management Institute for Scientific Informtion (ISI).
- R.Y.H.Yang (2018). Cultural Significance of Colours in Kawaii Art and Design. The Journal of GAGST, Chinese Association of Graphic Science & Technology.
- Selected Presentations
- R.Y.H.Yang (2024). AR Narrative Creativity: Exploring the Approaches of Scenic Storytelling,
- The 17th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI’24), December 11-13, 2024, Hsinchu, Taiwan (ACM Proceedings and EI-indexed).
- R.Y.H.Yang (2024). AI Art Analysis: Immersive Ink Animation, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) The 17th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI’24), December 11-13, 2024, Hsinchu, Taiwan (ACM Proceedings and EI-indexed).
- R.Y.H.Yang (2024). Reimagining the Classics: Ink Art Meets AI Innovation, The 5th Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (KAMC2024) Japan. (IAFOR Proceedings and Scopus Indexed).
- R.Y.H.Yang (2024).Virtual Realities: Transforming Performance through Immersive Experiences. World Congress of Dance Research, Athens Greece, organized by the International Dance Research Council, UNESCO, July 7-10 2024.
- Y.H. Yang (2024). “Unveiling the Mysteries of AI Shaman”, Cultural Meme-ing: The 24th Annual International Conference of Cultural Studies Association, International Centre of Cultural Studies, Taipei University of Education. March 16-17,2024
- R.Y.H.Yang (2024). “The Role of AI in Contemporary Art Education”, 2024 CAERDA International Conference. Philadelphia, PA, United States of America Educational Research and Practice in Unsettling Times.
- R.Yang (2023). “Theatre Arts and Technology Infusion”, Cultural Management in the Post-Pandemic World, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- R.Y.H.Yang (2023). “Interactive Storytelling Methods for Children’s Education”, Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, CAERDA International Conference, Chicago, USA.
- R.Yang (2023). “Visual Design Concept and Methods for Immersive Chinese Dance Theatre: An empirical study on “The Way of Chinese Painting in Dance “”, Conceptual Practice: Research and Pedagogy in Art, Design, Creative industry, and Cultural Heritage International Conference. Department of Art and Design, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.
- R.Y.H.Yang (2023), “The Way of Painting in Dance: From Chinese Paintings to Immersive Theatre”, 60th World Congress of Dance Research Athens, Greece. 5-9 July 2023
- R.Y.H.Yang (2022). The Light of Community During the Pandemic: A Case Study of Public Light Art “Urban Sun”, Vision for the Unequal World International Conference 2022(VUW). Arts. Communication, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Design School at Taylor’s University, Malaysia. 9-10 December 2022
- R.Y.H.Yang (2021). “Interactive Narrativity and Augmented Reality”, The Taipei International Conference on Animation and New Media, Taiwan.
- R.Y.H.Yang (2021). Kung Fu performance as cultural archive: From Daoism and dance to drunken master. Paper presented at the Greater Bay Area Cultural Heritage and Creative Innovation Conference 2021, Hong Kong, May 31-June 1, 2021.
- R.Y.H.Yang (2021) Decode Kawaii e-Literacy: Emerging Visual Culture in Cyberspace . 2021 International Conference on Taiwan Digital Media Design. Taiwan Association of Digital Media Design.
- Rochelle Yang (2021) Virtual Dance Education: Creative Collaboration Online.
World Congress of Dance Research, CID UNESCO Teleconference, Hong Kong.
Edited Books
- Raftis, R.Y.H.Yang, The General Theory of Dancing, International Dance Council. IOFA, Athens, Greece. (forthcoming)
- Yang, International Venice Art Exhibition Artbook, Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello. Associazione Culturale Italo-Tedesca, Venice, Italy,2024
- Y.H.Yang, (with H.Poon)Discover Beauty with Photography. Hong Kong Dandelion Arts, Entrepreneurship Academy Press Limited. ISBN 978-988-75520-8-6,2024
- Y.H.Yang, Her Power: Existence -International Female Contemporary Art, Manuscript Publishing & Art Life Foundation Limited”, Hong Kong, 2023
- Yang, (with C.Chan)The Path of Light: French Art. The Art of Nature International, Hong Kong.2022
Selected Book Chapters
- R.Y.H.Yang, Digital Art Fair Xperience. p.196-202, The Artist Magazine Book, International Edition, Vol.572. ISSN 1016-4170, 2023.
- R.Y.H.Yang, Designing Augmented Reality Picture Books for Young Adults, The Conceptual Practice: Research and Pedagogy in Art, Design, Creative Industries, and Heritage (Vol. 1, pp. 98-105) Edited by D.Hui. Pistoia, Italy, 2023.
- R.Y.H.Yang, Sparkling City, Discovery Beauty with Photography, Ch 3, p154-159, Hong Kong Dandelion Arts Entrepreneurship Academy Press, 2023.
- R.Y.H.Yang, Art Scene of Olafur Eliasson, The Artist Book, Vol.578期, P.63-67, International Edition. ISSN 1996-434, 2023.
- R.Y.H.Yang, Taste of Life, Joy In Art Watercolor. P.18. ISBN 978-988-70065-0-3. Millionways Marketing Co. Ltd, 2023.
- 楊宜瑄 , 自由而任性的藝術空間 香港大館當代美術館「潛入你眼簾─皮皮洛第.瑞斯特」, P. 98-105, 藝術家雜誌571期, 2023.
- Desmond Hui, Laura Cavanna, Mauro Arrighi, Rochelle Yang and Samson Wong, “The Meta-Sense garden: Redefining Sensory and Spatial Experience in the post-COVID Era”, Issue 05, Humanity Arts and Society HAS Magazine, July 2022.
- R.Y.H.Yang, Roaming in cities: Fine art photography, Chapter 2: Shenzhen, China. Shangi Publishing.
- R.Y.H.Yang, Shenzhen Biennale (pp. 39-42). First edition. Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2019.
- R.Y.H.Yang, World by World: Connecting Art in Germany and Shenzhen, Chapter 3: Collaborative art. Shangi Publishing, 2019.
Selected Exhibitions & Performances:
- 2024 Film showcase “Across The Blossom Trees”, 18th International River Film Festival, Padova, Italy.
- 2024 Solo performer, Panapale World Festival, Dora Stratou Dance Theatre, Athens Greece
- International Dance Council, UNESCO.
- 2024 Immersive Film “ Beyond the Blossom Trees” exhibition, University Exhibition Hall, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, HsinChu Taiwan.
- 2024 “Fantasia “ mixed media art, Hong Kong City Art Fair, Mandarin Oriental.
- 2023 “Silhouette” video art, Venice International Art Fair, Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello, Italy,
- June 2023 “Walking in the Clouds” AI Art, Rome International Art Exhibition, Rome Art Space, Italy.
- 2022 Ink Animation Video Art “Flying Across the Chaos”, Microwave International Media Festival, City Hall HK.
- 2022 Solo Exhibition “Real Moment”, Flame International Video Expo, Taipei
- 2021 Illustration Art Exhibition “Gone with the Past” , Hong Kong Contemporary Art Fair
- 2017 “Fantasy of Light” Photography exhibition, Part of Supernova Light Festival, K11, Nov
Selected Curatorial Practices
- Curator, “Au Dela” Visual Art Exhibition, French May Arts Festival, Central, Hong Kong.
- Chief Curator, “Beyond Borders, The 60th International Satellite Art Exhibition of Biennale Arte, Venice, Italy. July 2024
- Curator, “Fantasia” Gallery, Hong Kong City Art Fair. Nov 2024
Executive Curator, Existence: International Female Contemporary Art Exhibition, City
Hall, Central HK. March 2023 - Visual Art Director, “The Rite of Spring”, theatre production of French May Arts Festival, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. June 2023.
Visual Art Director, “The Way of Painting in Dance” (舞。畫道) Immersive theatre production, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. March 2023. - Co-organizer, Hong Kong Media Art Gallery, Flame International Video Expo, Taipei, 2022
Moderator & Co-organizer, Dance Education During The Pandemic. Teleconference, International Dance Council, UNESCO, 2021 - Associate curator of Shenzhen Biennial of Contemporary Art Exhibition, 2019.
- Associate curator, The 3rd Shenzhen International Photography Exhibition, Sea World Expo Centre-V&A Museum Shenzhen, 2018
- World Cultural Dance Festival, Hong Kong Cultural Centre outdoor festival,2018
- Curator “Fantasy of Light” Photogrsphy exhibition, Part of Supernova Light Festival, K11, Nov 2016-2017
- Chair, Art Gallery of SIGGRAPH Asia, Hong Kong. HKCEC, 2011
- New Media Research Project
- New Media and Cyber Culture
- Media Arts & Design
- Photomedia
- Photography
- Film/Video and Media Art Administration
- Narrative and Interactivity in Media Arts
- History of Media Arts and Design
- Advertising Design
- Graphic Design Fundamentals
- Digital Imaging and Design
- Introduction to Animation
- Storyboards Visualization
- Studio Art: Drawing Fundamentals
- Fashion & Visuality
- Performing Art Studies
- Contemporary Arts
- Interdisplinary Cultural Studies
- Popular Culture
- Studio Photography & Lighting
- Creative Marketing and Branding
- Digital Imaging
- Curatorial Dialogues :Museum & Art Festivals
- International Film Director & Producers Dialogues
- AI for Media Arts & Design Forum
- 2022 Awarded Best Presenter and Paper, Cash Prize. Vision for the Unequal World (VUW) International Conference, organized by CUHK & Kaylor University Malaysia,
- 2021 Final Selection Award, Abstract Art Category, International Photography Award (IPA, USA)
- 2021 Honourable Mention Award of Photo& Video Category, London International Creative Competition(LICC, UK)
- 2021 Honourable Mention Award of Fine Art Category, International Photography Award (IPA, USA)
- 2021 Shortlist Award of Photo & Video Category, awarded by London International Creative Competition (LICC,UK)
- 2019 Champion, Oriental Dance Category, Global World Talent Contest by International Talent Alliance, Thailand
- 2019 Silver Award, Oriental Dance Category, The Open Dance Contest of Hong Kong.
- 2018, Finalist Award, LensCulture Art Photography
- 2017 Bronze Award, Prix Levallois Photography Contest
- 2015 Outstanding Research Award, CityUHK
- 2014 Second Runners-Up, Golden Pin Design Award, Packaging Design Category
- 2013 Silver Prize, Dance Drama, Chinese Arts Global Award in Beijing
- 2013 Final Selection, Street Photography Category, Fine Art Photography Award
- 2008 Honoary Doctorate of Arts, The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) France.
BA in Art and Design (BA-AD)
- AD1001 Studio I: Fundamental Concepts and Skills
- AD2001 Studio II: Objects, Products and Machines
- AD2101 Art and Design in Film and Media
- AD3900 Internship
- AD4001 Studio IV: Thesis