
BFA (Film, NYU)
MPS (Interactive Telecommunication, NYU)
PhD (Creative Media, CityUHK)
Associate Programme Director, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art and Design
Assistant Professor
Department of Art and Design
Award-winning artist, curator and choreographer, Rochelle Yang’s practice encompasses photography, painting, new media arts, experimental video and performing arts. Her artworks have been exhibited globally in many major art conventions, such as Nord Art (Germany), SIGGRAH (Japan), Biennale (China), Asia Contemporary Art Show, Hong Kong City Art Fair, Shenzhen International Art Expo, Taipei Dangdai Art Fair, etc.
Yang served as chair for Art Gallery of SIGGRAPH ASIA, director of Art Map / Art Plus, curator for Asia Pacific Film Producer’s Forum, World Dance Festival CID UNESCO, and numerous art exhibitions, concerts and charity events. Before joining Hang Seng University, Rochelle taught in the postgraduate program of Visual Culture, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and BNU-HKBU, Media Art and Design Program where she served as Acting Program Director.
Yang’s artworks and dance choreography have won several international awards, including Lens Culture Art Photography Award, Netherlands. Honorary Doctorate in Arts, CISAC, France (The International Confederation of Authors and Composers Societies), Chinese Youth Award for Excellence (New York) Golden Pin Design Award (Taiwan), Chinese Arts Global Award in Beijing, Asia Pacific Dance Award (Bankok), etc. Yang is from Taiwan who is currently based in Hong Kong.
- Interface Design and Visual Culture
- Brand Communication in Social Media
- Immersive Theatre/Museum
- Creative Methods for Advertising
- New Media Research Project
- New Media and Cyber Culture
- Media Arts & Design
- Photomedia
- Photography
- Film/Video and Media Art Administration
- Narrative and Interactivity in Media Arts
- History of Media Arts and Design
- Advertising Design
- Graphic Design Fundamentals
- Digital Imaging and Design
- Introduction to Animation
- Storyboards Visualization
- Studio Art: Drawing Fundamentals
- Fashion & Visuality
- Performing Art Studies
- Contemporary Arts
- Interdisplinary Cultural Studies
- Popular Culture
- Studio Photography & Lighting
- Creative Marketing and Branding
- Digital Imaging
- Curatorial Dialogues :Museum & Art Festivals
- International Film Director & Producers Dialogues
- AI for Media Arts & Design Forum
- Y.H. Yang (2017) “World By World” Chapter 3: Collaborative Art. Shenzhen China. Shenzhen
- Federation of Literary and Art Circles.
- Rochelle Yang (2016) “The Biennale of Contemporary Art” Abstract Art Photography and Visualization, P. 540-551, Shenzhen China. Shangqi Culture Press.
- H. Yang (2015) “Gallery Guide-Taiwan”, Cultural & Creative Industries Park in Taipei. P 75-79, ISBN: 9789881329912
- Y.H.Yang (2015) Colours for Design. Chapter IV. Triad Colours and Intuitive Design. P.111-118, Chuan Hwa Book.
- Yi H. Yang (2013) “Colorful India”, Kathak Dance Rituals: P. 36-45. Mook Book Publisher.
- Y.H.Yang (2019) Cute Literacy: The Evolution and Impact of Cute Culture on Digital Communications. 23rd ICIT International Conference on ISO & TQM, Zuhai, China
- She, Yang and Wen (2017) Digit Easy: Cyber-Physical System for Interactive Dance Performance. ACM Transaction on Computing and Cultural Heritage.
- Yi H. Yang (2017) Social Exchange on Social Media. 21st International Conference on ISO & TQM ( 21-ICIT) Beijing, China.
- She, Y H. Yang, and Wen (2016) A Wearable Cyber-Physical System for Interactive Dance Media Lab, ACM Multimedia System Conference.
- Yang (2015) Emoticons and Graphical Communication in Cyber Space. The 2015 Taipei International Conference on Animation and New Media Conference. Taiwan.
- She, Yang and Wen (2015) Digital Interactive System for Supporting Interactive Dance Creation: The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo.
- Y H. Yang (2015) Color Description and Cognition. The 3rd International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Sciences Proceedings (ICIS 2010). 138-141. Chengdu, China. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7385-4. (IEEE, EI Accepted) 2014
- Yi Hsuan Yang (2012) Reading Fatigue: Visual Perception Research. China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging (CACPP, 2012) Beijing. (Published) 2012.8
- Y.H.Yang (2011) Experimental Interactivity and Mobile Theatre, ACM SIGGRAPH Art Talk
- Rochelle Yang (2012) E-book Readability (in Chinese ) 中華印刷科技年報. JOURNAL OF CAGST 2012 P. 36-41
- Y.H. Yang (2010) Imagery Scanning and Printing Resolution. The 3rd International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Sciences Proceedings (ICIS 2010). 708-710. Chengdu, China. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7385-4. (IEEE)
- Rochelle Yang (2010) Kawaii Communication and Consumption Culture. International Conference of Graphic Communication Arts &Science. Taipei Taiwan