藝術設計系公開講座 – 許灼勳「傳統上的創新:中國近現代畫之我見—嶺北篇」

11/11/2022 FRIDAY 4:00-6:00 PM
Simultaneous Zoom Meeting Link: https://hsuhk.zoom.us/j/92232255815
Meeting ID: 922 3225 5815
Passcode: ygXQ9e
Registration link: https://forms.gle/krQzHrdtTkBUiUjf6
Mr C. F. Hui is by training an architect, and by interest an art historian, critic, collector, poet, calligrapher and painter. Mr Hui received his BArch from the University of Hong Kong in 1967 and his MArch from the University of Manitoba in 1969. He practised architecture and had his own firm in Hong Kong before he retired and devoted his interest to art collection. He has published two books on Chinese painting, namely Landscape in Mind «煙雲過眼錄» (2004; 198 pages) and Footprints on Snow «鴻爪雪泥篇» (2014; 456 pages), which are based on his collection that focuses on, but not limited to, the Lingnan 嶺南 and Lingbei 嶺北 paintings. His Chinese poems are collected in Poems from Neighbouring Cottage «隔壁草廬詩詞» (2011; 109 pages) under the pen-name Gebi Laoren 隔壁老人 (Literally, “Old Man Next Door”).
In the lecture, Mr Hui will discuss the art of Chinese painting as an evolutionary process of experimentation and innovation showcasing the creativity of great masters, such as Ren Bonian 任伯年, Qi Baishi 齊白石, Huang Binhong 黃賓虹, Yu Fei’an 于非闇, Xu Beihong 徐悲鴻, Lin Fengmian 林風眠, Pan Tianshou 潘天壽, Pu Xinshe 溥心畬, Zhang Daqian 張大千, Fu Baoshi 傅抱石, Li Keran 李可染, Wu Guanzhong 吳冠中, Cheng Shifa 程十髮, Huang Zhou 黃胄, Chou Deshu 仇德樹, Qu Leilei 曲磊磊, and Xu Bing 徐冰. He will offer ideas on how to appreciate Chinese paintings, discerning the originals from imitations. The lecture will be illustrated with paintings and images from Mr Hui’s collection.
Assisted by Ms Yvette Hui 許行一, the lecture is prepared in Chinese and will be delivered in Cantonese.
Video Recording