Exhibition: From Painting to Urban Camping Design

The Third-Year studio focuses on spatial design, which might range from exterior to interior design, from 2D studies to volumetric composition of spaces. In our First semester, Studio III students worked on multiple scale’s projects to better comprehend the design process that leads to 3D composition. They focused on spatial analysis, design development and volumetric composition of spaces.
In this Second semester we asked them to put into practice the process of creating 3D spaces. Our process started by thinking how painting and architecture have a longstanding relationship, with each discipline often inspiring and influencing the other. Many architects have been inspired by paintings, particularly in terms of color, form, and composition, while painters have often been inspired by architecture’s structures, lines, and spaces. Paintings can provide inspiration for the design of buildings, interiors, and landscapes, as well as help architects to develop a sense of proportion, scale, and balance. By drawing on the rich visual language of painting, architects can create buildings that are not just functional, but also beautiful and inspiring works of art. With this in mind we asked the Students to create a painting inspired by the concept of nature.
They then used this artwork as a reference to develop the design of an Urban Camping, requiring the transformation of an existing warehouse into a temporary Design hostel. In this exhibition we present both the painting and the physical model of the urban camping solution created by the students. The aim of this exhibition is to illustrate and explain the relationship between art and architecture as correlated creative disciplines.
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Department of Art and Design
AD 3001 Studio III: Interior, Architecture, and Urban Design