Author archives: Samson Wong


An exhibition of the first class of graduating theses of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural and Creative Industries Programme at the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong 11 June – 31 August 2021 9:30 am – 5:30 pm (Monday – Friday) H122, Old Hall, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Hang Shin…

2021 Greater Bay Area Conference on Cultural Heritage and Creative Innovation: Establishing the Cultural and Creative Nexus for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

【Register Now for #Webinar】 Co-organized by The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong and China Daily, a two-day conference titled “Establishing the Cultural and Creative Nexus for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” will be held from May 31, 2021. Prof. Simon Shun-Man Ho, President, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong; and Prof. Kwok-kan Tam,…

Workshop on Cultural Heritage Management – The Role of International Organizations and China in Cultural Heritage Management of the Belt and Road Zones

Workshop on Cultural Heritage Management – THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND CHINA IN CULTURAL HERITAGE MANAGEMENT OFTHE BELT AND ROAD ZONES to be held on 10 May 2021 (Monday). The workshop is fully supported by the Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS) administered by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Project…

‘Seminar on CGCS Database: Data for Culture and Arts’ by Prof. Desmond Hui

The Centre for Greater China Studies (CGCS) would like to invite you to join a seminar fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.:UGC/IDS14/17): Date: 30 April 2021 (Friday)Time: 3pm – 5pm Language: EnglishRegistration: Here   Topic:  Seminar on CGCS Database: Data for Culture and Arts    Introduction: The Culture|2030 Indicators were developed as a framework of…

Art and Design Public Lecture ‘Freeman Lau x Design’

[Update] The video recording of the public lecture can be viewed from this link: Details as follows: Date: 16/4/2021 (FRIDAY) Time: 4:30-6:30 PM Venue: “SPACE4ALL”, G/F LIBRARY, BLOCK A, SH HO ACADEMIC BUILDING, HSUHK Online broadcast is also available on Zoom Meeting ID: 952 4702 9056  Passcode: lib0416 All students and staff are most…

Art and Design Public Lectures ‘One in a Million’ by Tim Li

[Update] The video recording of the public lecture can be viewed from this link: ‘One in a Million’ is the fourth session of the Public Lecture Series organized by the Department of Art and Design (AAD) and to be held in the Library. Speaker of the Lecture, Dr Tim Li, ex-chairman of Para Site…

舞蹈無國界 舞蹈聯合國(CID UNESCO)線上國際會議28日開幕

2021-02-27       【記者 陳安婷/採訪報導】   在舞蹈藝術領域享譽盛名的國際舞蹈委員會(CID) 總部設在法國巴黎, 因為是聯合國官方合作伙伴(UNESCO), 又簡稱為「舞蹈聯合國」。成立近50年,是全球最具規模的舞蹈機構,其成員來自七十多個國家的舞蹈文化學者、編舞家和相關專業人士。今年舞蹈聯合國邀請楊宜瑄博士(Rochelle Yang) 擔任大中華地區線上會議的主辦人及主持人,會議將於2月28號進行,CID 主席Raftis 教授也將代表歐洲地區參加。       來自台灣的楊宜瑄於香港的大學及研究所任教多年,曾獲得紐約海外優秀青年獎、法國著作權人協會CISAC藝術榮譽博士、全球影響力舞蹈冠軍等國際獎項,長年投入慈善服務和藝術義工,擔任藝術地圖ArtMap直播節目主持,目前仼教於香港恆生大學藝術設計系。       楊博士表示,這次舞蹈聯合國首度以線上雙語進行的方式在大中華地區舉行,希望能提供舞蹈相關的教育和專業人士一個國際交流的平台,分享在疫情下,舞蹈教育和訓練之應變方式,以及線上教育的心得。期待在疫情之下的舞蹈世界依然活躍。 舞蹈無國界 舞蹈聯合國(CID UNESCO)線上國際會議28日開幕…

Art and Design Public Lectures ‘How cities become cultural?’

Date: 5 Feb 2021 (Fri) Time: 4:30 – 6:30 pm Venue: G/F, Space for All @ HSUHK Library Online broadcast is also available: Zoom link [Update] The video recording of the public lecture can be viewed from this link:…