Author archives: Samson Wong

Art and Design Public Lecture ‘GEOLOCALIZATION’ by Frédéric Martel

(The lecture will be conducted in English) Frédéric Martel is a French writer, researcher and journalist.  His most famous books are The Pink and the Black, Homosexuals in France since 1968 (1996), Mainstream (2010) and In the Closet of the Vatican (2019), a New York Times bestseller.  Since 2020, he has been Professor at the…

CONCEPTUAL PRACTICE: Research and Pedagogy in Art, Design, Creative Industries, and Cultural Heritage International Conference

Conceptual Practice: Research and Pedagogy in Art, Design, Creative Industries, and Cultural Heritage International Conference 藝術, 設計, 創意產業, 與文化保育研究和教學的概念性實踐國際研討會 1/5/2023 10 AM – 6 PM Lee Ping Yuen Chamber, 8/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, HK Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID:…

Art and Design Public Lecture ‘In between Art and Architecture’ by Raymond FUNG

This talk is a post sharing of Raymond’s Retrospect Exhibition titled: “Qī Shí (七拾)” which brings the past seven memorable decades of Raymond’s life for one to “pick up” and savour, with seven sections marking the ups and downs of his life journey. The exhibition covers paintings, installations, architecture, sculptures, emphasizing rapidograph pen drawings and…

Movie Screening by AAD – Japanese Animation for March

藝術設計系電影放映會 Movie Screening by AAD 三月 日本動畫電影系列 Japanese Animation for March Location: H122, Old Hall, Block M, HSUHK 其實當我們在觀看動畫時,我們通常在意的大多是人物精美的外皮以及其講率的深刻故事,並沒有一種自己正在觀看一門視覺藝術的自覺。動畫終究是一門關於線條的語言,在這裡引用一下友人的説法:「自説自話的線條聚首一堂,隨樂韻節奏起舞,爭先恐後,是為動畫。」動畫特別的地方在於它的連續性,而有別於實拍電影,動畫能更廣闊地延展、探索線條到造型的變化。動畫實質上是一門值得敬畏的藝術,藝術之解構順其然到技術,如同繪畫始於筆觸。 《百日紅》Miss Hokusai 10/3 FRI 1530 dir. 原惠一 《機動警察Ⅱ》Patlabor 2: The Movie 17/3 FRI 1530 dir. 押井守 《人狼 JIN-ROH》Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade 24/3 FRI 1530 dir. 沖浦啟之 《王立宇宙軍》Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise 31/3 FRI 1530…

Movie Screening by AAD – Romantic Movies for February

藝術設計系電影放映會 Movie Screening by AAD 二月愛情專題 Romantic Movies for February Location: H122, Old Hall, Block M 17/2 Fri 15:00 《春天情書》Haru Dir. 森田芳光 24/2 Fri 15:00 《巴黎,德州》Paris, Texas Dir. Wim Wenders 每當我們討論到區分愛情片種的時候,會發現受情片的千變萬化,令區分變得毫無意義。它的構成可以是浪漫至極般如《 Before Sunrise 》,但接下來的《Before Sunset》 似乎又掀開了浪漫的面紗。 或許爱情可以被簡單說成三因法的親密激情與承諾,但總會覺得欠缺了些甚麼可能就正如 Raymond Carver 所說:當我們在談論愛情時,說起來就像知道自己在談論什麼一樣。電影不應是詩與遠方的標的物,它應該有它的解答能力,不如試眷騰空少許時間,在星期五的下午讓電影好好與「你」討論一番。…

Art and Design Public Lecture ‘ART AND DESIRE’ by Philip Buckley

ART AND DESIREPhilip Buckley, McGill UniversityUNESCO Chair in Global Asia and Humanities Professor Philip Buckley is an expert on 19th and 20th century continental philosophy from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, specializing on phenomenology, Husserl, and Heidegger.  In this lecture, Professor Buckley will utilize certain concepts of phenomenology and the development of philosophy of art from…

Art and Design Public Lecture ‘In Between Self-reinforcing Strength & Co-creation: the Significance of Community Art’

The three artists will share the experience of themselves being on the path of swinging in between self-ness & public-ness, individuals & community, and self-reinforcing strength & co-creation. In the process of transformation, it is not only about the significance of collectivism and decentralization, but it also about allowing generations of precious collective memories, full…